I Can Teach Art!
Irina loves everything art - coloring, painting, dancing, drawing and so I knew that we needed to add more art and craft things into our school day, but I am not someone I consider very artsy. I should qualify that - I love to do things like scrapbooking and drawing. What I dislike about doing arts and crafts with my kids is coming up with the idea that they can do. Besides all the mess. Okay so art is a little messy, I've gotten over that. It was the ideas. We did a few art projects this year and going to Story time at the Library helped in this area. The question was could I teach them real art? Like an art teacher would at a school? Well you will have to decide for yourself - but so far I am loving this art book called ARTistic Pursuits.
The first unit in the book which we are doing through the summer covers what artist do. I will follow us through the book and you can take a look at what my kids are producing each week in the form of art.
Week 1
Artist Compose
Medium: ebony pencil, art paper, eraser
Our Art Work:
Irina's night-scape - notice the little buildings in the bottom right hand corner.
My own drawing we had just read If You Give a Mouse a Cookie - and we are studying about birds.
Wesley was the big surprise for me. He has never really loved drawing, art or coloring, but he has been loving this curriculum for art. I think the reason it works so well for him is he doesn't have to look at a great adult version that looks all perfect and try to copy it. He gets to come up with his own artwork. This drawing at the left was his first attempt it is of an egg.
Wesley's second drawing is of a Lion.
Here Wesley drew a boy at the park.
The kids did ask me to draw some things for them, but I refused. Saying this was their composition and it would be all their own work. They didn't like that at first but it lead to some really creative perspectives.
This is the same boy in their bedroom. He wanted the drawers open so people would know what it was. He included the clock on top of the bureau because they listen to books on CD when they go to sleep and on the right is a bed, and nightlight. After finishing the drawing Wesley stood back and looked at it and said oh, yeah it needs a chimney.
The only downside to this is the cost. It is a pretty pricey book and they want you to use real art materials. I'm beginning to see why they are right about this. I'll post more about that later.
Artistic Pursuits, Book One: An Introduction to the Visual Arts
Sanford Design Ebony Pencil - Pkg of 2, Design Ebony Pencil
Academie Sketch Pad, 9 x 12 Inches 50 Sheets (54012)