Deuteronomy 6:4-9 - Teach Them Diligently

Saturday, February 17, 2007

2007 Begins

Wesley just turned 4 - Feb. 15 hard to believe that he is already so old. Irina, who will turn 2 in April. is talking up a storm using multi word sentences - she said a shocking complete sentence that had Tony shocked. Her sentence was "My library books (are) in my backpack." Not sure if she actually said are or not but the rest of it was heard. We are proud of both our little buggers!

We have exciting news - though maybe a bit early to share - we are expecting our thrid baby sometime in Sept. not sure of the due date - that is how early it is to share this. We are excited - at the new blessing to our family.

Wanted to add to our post - though right now don't have time to download any new photos - hope to get to that later this week.