Deuteronomy 6:4-9 - Teach Them Diligently

Monday, November 19, 2007

The Kiss Photo 2005 and 2007

Irina kissed Wesley right away and of course Lucy right away as well.

Halloween 2007

Wesley was Spider man for the second year in a row and Irina was Blue's Clues a homemade outfit that I made. She would have like to go as Spider Palm - but since that costume consists of a purple blanket over her head and is a challenge for her to see out of we decided she was Spider Palm dressed as Blue's Clues!

More Photos of Irina, Wesley and Lucy

Welcome Lucy Esther Jones

Lucy Esther Jones
Oct. 3 2007
(Her birthday makes an interesting math equation!)
The Facts: Lucy was born at 2:12pm, she weighed in at exactly 8lbs 1.9oz. She was 20 inches long and her head was 14 inches around.

Wesley and Irina love their new baby sister! Wesley is used to being the big brother, but Irina does not like being called the big sister because she is "Little!" So I just say she is the little sister and Lucy is the baby sister and that has seemed to settle that issue. Though Wesley knows he can pick a fight if he says that she is a big sister. He doesn't mind trying to get his sister worked up. I think he quite enjoys it!