Deuteronomy 6:4-9 - Teach Them Diligently

Sunday, August 01, 2010

Lucy's first Science Experiment!

2 year old + Dime + plugged in phone charger =
 big blue spark and startled 2 year old!

In all fairness, had Lucy known what was going to happen when she put the dime behind the plug in I don't think she would have done it.  The huge blue spark that flashed was pretty impressive, Lucy was pretty startled and after checking her over she complained her foot hurt and there was a raised spot so I took her in to our Dr. office.  He quickly took a look at her and said she looked great.  That I should just watch her pee make sure it wasn't brown, he didn't think it would be as she looked good.  She might be sore in her joints and muscles.   She was a bit "shocked" for awhile but then seem to perk up and be fine until she crashed on the rocking chair.  Which might have just been because of the cold she had.  I hope her experiments with outlets are a thing of the past but she is a pretty inquisitive child. 
Melted Dime

Fried Outlet

Sleepy Girl

Lemonade With a Purpose: K-Love Shares Lemonade with the Nation!

K-love picked up the story about Wesley’s Lemonade stand and is running it on their radio news broadcast you can also find it on their website.  

Wesley’s Lemonade Stand has effected many people.  His heartfelt quote; “Everyone needs to know God!” (Click here to see the story that ran on Keloland news: Lemonade With A Mission.)

This simple message is so true.  It is also true that God has chosen to reach the world through all his children.  We get to be a part of his display of love to all the the nations.  

Our neighbor doesn’t know God.  Wesley is very burdened for him to know God and has shared with him several times now.  It amazes Wesley that people don’t also share the same heart for God.  

Wesley said to me after we talked about some people that we love that don’t know God.  Wesley said, “I just don’t understand it; I love God so much that it makes me want to cry.”    

We are very proud of our son and his love for the Lord.  It continues to inspire us to teach him diligently about God’s love and God’s love for a lost world. 

We can all reach out to those around us who do not know God; through prayer, conversation and friendship.  We can all spread the love of Christ wherever we are.  

A great missions scripture is 2 Cor 2: 14-17  which says we are the aroma of Christ wherever you go.  To some that smell of Christ on you draws them to Christ and to others it makes them want to avoid you.   We choose to be an aroma of Christ that is pleasing to God first and our prayer is that it will draw others to a relationship with Christ.

Isn’t it amazing how God chooses to do things through his people.  

If every Christian does their part in their own community and those called to go to the other places around the world were supported by Christians here at home.  Think of how much of his love could be revealed and how much joy we would receive.

If Wesley has inspired you at all:  Pray, Give, Go!
Pray, for those who don’t know God.
Give, to missionaries who want to be the hands and feet of Christ to other nations.
Go,  when called into all the world to preach the good news. 

Let us feed the sheep that God has given us to feed.  Because Wesley is right - Everyone needs to know God!

We should all love God with such a passion that, like a child, it makes us want to cry at his amazing love for us! 

How AWESOME that we get to be part of that work here on earth! 

Miles of Smiles

This event is hosted and paid for yearly by a local dentist.  The kids love, love, loved it!  They got to see all kinds of costumed characters.   Lucy was in awe of a huge Dora.  Wesley was excited by Spiderman and Irina just stared at all the princesses!

The huge flag at Wylie Park

On our way to Miles of Smiles - when the kids saw all fun rides they were so excited

Lucy gazing at Dora!

So excited to stand next to Dora

A Character Congo line

Wesley meeting Sponge Bob

A gigantic Elmo!

Princesses!  No worries she didn't turn into a frog!

Feeling like royalty!

More princesses!

Lots of blow up rides and slides

Horse riding races

The kids had a lot of fun.

Lemonade and the third annual Pig Out!

Since we had a music festival going on across the street we decided to set up the Lemonade Stand.  Wesley had a lot of help from Dad on this one.  In fact Tony ran it more than Wesley.  Since we also had the Miles of Smile even the same weekend.  
Our apartment - we live on the first floor! And how the sign looked from across the street!


Wesley helping out.  Drinking lots of lemonade!

Our sign got rained on the first night and ended up tie dyed.  We filled in the colors again.