Deuteronomy 6:4-9 - Teach Them Diligently

Sunday, August 01, 2010

Lucy's first Science Experiment!

2 year old + Dime + plugged in phone charger =
 big blue spark and startled 2 year old!

In all fairness, had Lucy known what was going to happen when she put the dime behind the plug in I don't think she would have done it.  The huge blue spark that flashed was pretty impressive, Lucy was pretty startled and after checking her over she complained her foot hurt and there was a raised spot so I took her in to our Dr. office.  He quickly took a look at her and said she looked great.  That I should just watch her pee make sure it wasn't brown, he didn't think it would be as she looked good.  She might be sore in her joints and muscles.   She was a bit "shocked" for awhile but then seem to perk up and be fine until she crashed on the rocking chair.  Which might have just been because of the cold she had.  I hope her experiments with outlets are a thing of the past but she is a pretty inquisitive child. 
Melted Dime

Fried Outlet

Sleepy Girl

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