Deuteronomy 6:4-9 - Teach Them Diligently

Saturday, June 05, 2010

ARTistic Pursuits: Lesson 3

Lessons don't always go as we would like.
This lesson didn't go as well for us.  The kids were to go out and draw what they see in nature.  We talked about what was outside and what they could see outside.  But the day ended up being windy and so when they went outside to do the drawing part of the lesson the paper kept whipping up on them.  Wesley tried to draw a tree and he didn't like how it looked and got frustrated.  I made the mistake of suggesting how he could fix it.  I should have said nothing and told him it looked fantastic - because it was a drawing of how he sees a tree not how I see one.  It is a big lesson to me that as a parent we forget that it takes time to learn to see things for yourself.  I don't want my children to see the world through my eyes.  I want them to see it through their own.  Art is one of the ways a child can express how they see the world.   I forgot to take photos of this lesson since they weren't excited about it I let it drop.  There is part of me that would like to have them do it again but I think we will skip it and go on to lesson 4.    Sorry no photos for this one.

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